UW Impact

December 30, 2020

Governor’s 2021-23 budget proposal generous for higher ed

In mid-December, Governor Inslee released his 2021-23 budget proposal. The Governor’s budget was more generous to higher education than expected, despite lower revenue collections due to COVID-19. Inslee’s proposal is equity-focused, with an emphasis on the expansion of job skills training and job creation, both of which require new higher ed investment and protection of current investments. As UW Impact

May 20, 2020

COVID-19 and Economic Impact to the UW

The University of Washington has been on the front lines of the COVID-19 response since the pandemic reached the U.S. From the federal government’s reliance on the UW’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), to life-saving interventions at the UW Medical Center, to epidemiology graduate students participating in critical research, to UW psychologists researching the effects of social isolation,

March 13, 2020

End of Legislative Session: What Huskies Can Do

We hope all is well and that you and your loved ones are staying healthy. We are proud that the UW and other research institutions are helping to find solutions in this uncertain time. We know our governor and elected officials are busy navigating the effects and impact of COVID-19 across the state. We commend their efforts toward keeping us

February 18, 2020

UW Advocates: Mid-Session Update

We’re just past mid-session, and already we have plenty of information to report to our advocates. Let’s jump right in:   The Workforce Education Investment Act First, thank you to advocates who have sent more than 450 messages to legislators this session in support of maintaining the critical investments in the Workforce Education Investment Act (WEIA), such as expanded financial

January 24, 2020

February 4, 2020 | Husky Caucus Day

On Tuesday, February 4, the UW Impact team, along with members of the UW Alumni Association Board of Trustees and other supporters of the University, will be headed to Olympia to deliver UW Impact-themed trinkets to our UW alumni currently serving in our State Legislature. The Husky Caucus! Want to amplify our message of state support for public higher education?

January 14, 2020

The 2020 Legislative Session is Underway

The 2020 legislative session is underway in Olympia. Last session, alumni and friends like YOU encouraged the State Legislature to pass the most significant investment in higher education in more than a decade (read about the Workforce Education Investment Act here or watch the video below for more context). Help us protect that investment in 2020. Write to your lawmakers

June 6, 2019

National Attention on the Workforce Education Investment Act

In the weeks since UW Impact joined other higher education advocates across the state to celebrate the passage of the Workforce Education Investment Act, much of the country has taken notice, highlighting the legislation as a potential model for other states. The Workforce Education Investment Act is the most significant investment in higher education in the state of Washington in

April 30, 2019

UW and Higher Ed Win!

We did it. Our state lawmakers passed a budget that includes the most significant investment in higher education in more than a decade. In this biennium alone, the new Workforce Education Investment Fund will generate $376 million in revenue for post-secondary education and training. Wow! At the UW, the revenue in this budget will: Fully fund the State Need Grant, which

April 5, 2019

Mixed Reviews of State Budgets for UW

Both chambers of the Washington State Legislature have released their proposed budgets, and the results are mixed for investment in the University of Washington. The good: The House fully funds the University’s requests for support in expanding capacity in high-demand degree programs and for additional resources in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines. It does this through dedicated revenue, as proposed in HB

March 28, 2019

UW Impact’s Position on the Proposed Workforce Education Investment Fund

It’s Day 74 of the 2019 Legislative Session, and alumni across the state have visited, called, and sent more than 1200 messages to their lawmakers in support of the UW and higher education since the session began in January. Our message? Advocating for the three funding priorities our alumni identified in statewide polls in 2015 and 2018 as most important

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